March 2011 Zone Leader Conference
So, this last week was pretty good, even though I'm like suffering from exhaustion... but I'm feeling a lot better this week, and tomorrow we are going to Senahu for a capacitation. I'm worried for my companion a little, but at the same time not really 'cause he's about to get into some huge trouble for doing some irresponsible housing contract stuff haha, but he's going home so whatever, I'll have a new comp next week... Wednesday. I'm excited. I got a new watch from a ZL in Coban last week. '' Hey, E. Jennings, where can I buy a cool watch?'' ''You can have this. I never wear it'' -buenisma onda. Um, I'm sorry you guys are still sick... keep eating that Costa Rican honeydew.. Oh, so this morning E. Snow (who lives with us) and I went to the market to buy food and on the way back I saw this Lizard -Chab'olak se llama- It was huge and fast (the lizards that are around here are like the Jesus lizards that can run across the water and are super fast). We caught it, and when we came back my comp was showering so of course I threw it on him and he was screaming so loud hahaha! Oh freak, it was hilarious and he came out of the shower and threw a bucket of water on us haha then we re-caught the lizard and I tied floss around his neck and we walked him to District meeting. It was pretty funny. Two of the people we were going to baptize this Saturday didn't show up to church so we're going to move their baptismal date. We are going to baptize Ricardo and Karmen - super old and awesome- we are taking them to Panzos to get married on Thursday. It's going to be sick... k have a great week and get well soon,
Love A rizzle
da mic fizzle
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