That is tragic what happened to Scott Davis, and I hope his family understands that they will see him again. That's hard though. Death is a really common thing that one doesn't think about until it's near. The closer the proximity, the worse it seems, even though it's all just the same step from this life to the next.
Sorry for writing you a bunch of Q'eqchi casaca I was just a little bit enojado 'cause I'm in this ridiculous place again!! Hey, but my comp's the man, haha. I asked him (as we were walking by a field of pineapple) ''Hey, how do you think they harvest pineapple? Do they just put on a big sweater and gloves?? ('Cause pineapple plants are really prickly) and he said, ''Well they just dig them out of the ground with a shovel or something!" Then I was like....'' Pineapples DO not grow underground.'' It's been really rainy around here though, and crazy muddy and my comp has almost died like 5 times. He slipped down this HUGE hill, and he bounced off his butt then skied down this 50 degree slope and then grabbed a tree and was on his feet again. In less than 2 seconds he dropped like 20 vertical feet and it was incredible. Then, like two nights ago, it was super dark and I went down this really steep part of the trail. I was standing at the bottom, and I was also shining my flashlight on the trail. I said, ''Don't worry. If you slip, I'll catch you.'' ...He slipped, but I caught him. I'm having a good time with this kid. He's my first comp that is actually good at singing. His voice is just like Will Ferrill's, and so's his personality haha....
Hey wait, Cami is turning her mission papers in?... and Nate is the same person that she's been dating since I was in the MTC, huh? Hey I miss snow.... did you know that?... I live in a cloud, and we have nothing......but I'll be in Cobòn on the 7th so I can get stuff from there.... Mom, you know you can take another class for free, you just have to wait till next semester. You should go back to school, Mom ,and study architecture with me so we can carpool and help each other on each other's home work. k. k. That is supper cool that Ben is learning the Mandolin,
kk I
love you
thanks for
all you do
<3 ARN hoWAR