q' tranza Hey, so I'm not getting back at you for not writing me the other week. There was just this capacitation meeting, so all the zl's and dl's were in Senahu. We couldn't have our combined p-day district meeting until today (Thursday). So that's what's up. I'm still in the same area. I was just in Elestor ( the area by the lake ) for p day. This picture is of me drinking an amazing shake thur. We have changes next week. YES! and I'm set up for the worst to happen. (At least I won't throw over a table when I get bajared from DL to senior comp: like my current companion). A prayer of mine was answered the other day though, when I was told that I was to be senior comp for a week (in Santo Domingo, my current area) with E. Minero. Elder Lara went to his area and I was senior comp with the coolest Salvadoranian I've met here. This kid is hilarious, and he acts just like Jack Sparrow. He is being accused of making out with some member, so he's having crazy problems. I don't know what to believe, but I had the best week ever working with him. We got every member in the church to come teach a lession with us, and it was crazy. I baptized my first Q'eqchi on Saturday. (He was 8, so it wasn't ''my baptism''), but it was cool, 'cause E. Minero and I just got to the church to put some stuff away, and my branch pres. was like, ''Hey, we have a baptism but nobody know how to do it and nobody has clothes so would you mind doing it? O. K. cool, so I learned how to baptize in Q'eqchi. Elder Lara is my companion. Regarding Cody's letter, that sucks he has bed bugs that are killing him, and that he broke his shower. However, I don't have a shower right now. I use rain water collected in a garbage can, and I've had fleas and all sorts of animals biting me my entire mission. Thanks for sending me those letters, though. Thanks for the positive advice. muy agradacido. Next week will be good. Things are lookin' up. Send me some pics of Chicago. I think my area is going to be closed, 'cause of how crazy people are, and how no one I have ever taught has ever come to church 'cause it's just too far away , and the living conditions are really really xiik'ob'a bad, no power or water. My comp is becoming crippled 'cause of his bed, (the bed I slept on all last change) which really screwed up my back and I really want to go to a chiropractor now ect ect... Anyways, sorry for not writing for so long but ,what a do¿ luv Aaron