Write to Me!

You can send snail mail: Elder Aaron Daniel Howard, Mision Guatemala Ciudad Norte, Apartado Numero 951 A, Guatemala, Guatemala C.A. OR www.dearelder.com

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Received December 15, 2009 by snail mail

Dear Fam--How is everyone?... Adam? Ben? Grandma, Mom, Dad, Chase, Paul, Tiger? Newz. What's New? Sell my car? Um...yes the pictures are great! Time at the MTC dragzzz, so I'm glad it's going by fast for you! I'm just going to hand write the letters to those nice people that won't stop giving me money, and you guys can give it to them/ send it. Pay the tithin' on it too if you can--Thanx. That Luau sounds like a good time for the kidz. Nothin' better than a bunch of white people doin' the hula, not to mention Glen. Anyways, this marker isn't workin', so orange it iz. You asked me if I would tell you my comp's name... NO! Is the answer, 'cause I got a new one 2 dayz ago--his name's Matt Wagner. We're both tall and skinny, so naturally we are friends. My old comp got moved out of our district 'cause he bugged everyone, and he got replaced by this kid who waz in the Army. He's freakin' weird. Lucky he izn't my comp so IDKare. We are in the same room though, w/"Commander"
So thanks again for the toyz, and pictures. My life is a little more fun thanks to you. I'm just trying to have as much of that as I can, which is easier 'cause my district is a little more irreverent than most. I love (heart drawing) Yo-yos. Um...is Chip-Chip's pro skiing career still on track, or iz hiz knee still messed up? Ben/Adam out of school? Iz Chase alive? Let me know. Build Gus--"If you build it...they will come" (Field of Dreams, dumb show!) Love you, Aaron Daniel Howard

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