Write to Me!

You can send snail mail: Elder Aaron Daniel Howard, Mision Guatemala Ciudad Norte, Apartado Numero 951 A, Guatemala, Guatemala C.A. OR www.dearelder.com

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Drivin´in my Peugeot ay ay twenty inch rims w/da chromed out play ay aytes

Sup? So that's funny Adam. haha Just watch out for the "good" photo shoot offers if you really want to make some money. hahaha, Those are some cool pictures, btw. Thanks. How are you feeling Mom? Are you doing alright? Are you eating healthy? I´m just wondering, 'cause this lady in my ward that was my investigator DIED yesterday, and her son is the only member of the church, and he´s serving his mission in Honduras so .. it got me thinking, wow, what if you died? That would be just terrible. So you already heard that we did service and it was GREAT. Zone conference was good... oh, my interview with President Torrez was good.. I told him I want to learn Q'eqchi' ... so we'll see what happens ya ..'so what your telling me... is that you are interested in learning a third language" so we'll see. There are five different languages in this mission. Three weeks until I'll see. So, did I tell you that our mission vehicle was stolen? hahaha A brand new Toyota Helix (like a Mexican Tundra), but it was a cool truck and it was stolen. jajaja The only other interesting thing that happened since I last wrote was it was my comp's birthday. We ate pizza for lunch and played Uno with my district, and then we ate at a member's house and had some killer milhojas (million layer cake). Good. k I'm mailing a letter home pretty soon. k love your favorite son Aaron

1 comment:

  1. Sister Howard, There is a wonderful email group for moms of Central American missionaries. There are about 20+ of us from the Guatemala North Mission. My son is currently serving there--he went out in the same group as Elder Howard. (In the bus photo of them just arriving, Elder Mays is waving from the very back of the bus.) We would love to have you join our email list if you are interested. We are a great support to each other and share letters, etc. Many of us keep blogs like you do--my son's is at www.elderdavemays.blogspot.com You will also find links to other GCN missionaries linked on his blog. I haven't linked to your sons, and won't unless I have permission to do so. If you are interested in joining our email group, please email me at bmayz@msn.com and I'll send you instructions. We are also planning a moms picnic the end of August where we can meet each other.
    I hope you will join us!
    Bonnie Mays
