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Monday, January 3, 2011

It-be-that-it-be-that GIRL

Ahhhh, going to church at 9:00 is SUCH a drag! I can't believe I'll have to go to church that early! Oh wait, that's what time church is here... even though it almost always starts 40 minutes late. Tell Bob and Ruth thanks for the money, and Gail Jordison as well. I really appreciated it. This week was super tiring, and I'm falling asleep right now, but yesterday we got a lot of people to church (54) and we had our best investigator in church. I taught the Young Men /Young Women, and I pretty much just taught the first lession. I talked about how God has always called prophets and how Christ set up the church and how the church was restored. Then I talked about how we have to do things the same way Christ did them. I had my picture book (most valuable teaching resource ever made) and showed the picture of how Christ got baptized, and how the apostles received the priesthood. Then I showed the modern day baptism pictures and I asked, ''So you all got baptized like this right?'' I showed the pictures of the kids receiving the Holy Ghost. I then said, ''K, raise your hand if you got baptized in water and then received the Holy Ghost like this.'' Everyone raised their hands, (except for our investigator: Waldemar*) so I just bore my testimony of baptism, and then said to Waldemar, ''Everyone here has been baptized like this, and it's super important to be able to enter into heaven, so.. we're going to be having a baptismal service on this day....will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized in Lix Paab'aal Li Jesukristo Reheb' Laj Tikilal Sa' Roso'jikeb' Li Kutan.'' Eehe chan (yes)! O. K., sweet. So that was the best thing that's happened this week. On the flip side, during our P-day activity, a Sister Missionary had a seizure and it was pretty scary. She's fine now, but I thought she was going to die. I'd never seen anything like that before. We gave her a blessing, and she doesn't remember anything.
Anyways I'm out of time, but much love,

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