Write to Me!

You can send snail mail: Elder Aaron Daniel Howard, Mision Guatemala Ciudad Norte, Apartado Numero 951 A, Guatemala, Guatemala C.A. OR www.dearelder.com

Monday, December 6, 2010

To get on my level, you need a forever ladder

I love Christmas! It's such a great time of year. So we are not actually going to Cobon 'til like the 16th, but it's good .... I didn't want to go anyways. Hey, tell Grandma that I'm very grateful for her contribution towards my mission, and I pray for her often. And you can tell Ruth thank you very much from me, and that I think of her as my third Grandmother or something great like that. But I'll write her a hand written letter also. I saw the Christmas Devotional yesterday in English in Saqsuha'. It was great. I totally got everyone in our branch to go too. 'Cause I didn't know about it 'til yesterday, and our branch president was like, ''Oh, we forgot to tell everyone about it, and we didn't hire a truck to come pick us up.'' But I was like NO! we've got to go! So we called all these people and stole the Camion (truck) that the Tinta hired. It was like loaded with like 40 Q'eqchis when we went through the Tinta to pick up this other branch. It was good though. President Uchtdorf is loosing his accent. Anyways about me... well nothing's really going on with me idk... my comp and I ate lunch by this huge waterfall this week (which I would have sent you pictures of, but my computer kept electrocuting me so I couldn't). My companion and I got to the top of this huge mountain and stopped for a while and sang James Brown. lkdlkdlkdldkdlkdldkldkdl
You should send me some pictures... of my siblings... family, Christmas trees.... snow.... etc. porfa.
love love Aaron

1 comment:

  1. Gina, Jordan was able to send pictures of that waterfall in his email so you'll have to check it out. Plus he told us that they got their new beds so life is great in Santo Domingo for our boys! Hope all is well. Leslie
