Write to Me!

You can send snail mail: Elder Aaron Daniel Howard, Mision Guatemala Ciudad Norte, Apartado Numero 951 A, Guatemala, Guatemala C.A. OR www.dearelder.com

Monday, August 15, 2011

My life is just awesome

My life is just awesome. I am going on divisions today with Elder Chanchavac again. I really like him. Cute is the only words to describe him. We finally set baptismal dates with some people. The son of Rosalina and his girlfriend decided to get married. I called Arturo and was talking to him last night and I told him that I really want to see them get baptized before I leave. (They had already told us at this point that they wanted to get baptized). He said that he would talk about it with his girlfriend, Maria, and now we are going to get them married on the 25th of August. They talked about it, and everything is going really smoothly right now. We taught them the word of wisdom... and he told us that other than his cocaine crops and his wife being an alcoholic, they don't have any problems with it. hahah No but really they don't have any word of wisdom problems, not even coffee which is usually a problem. We got super lucky yesterday 'cause we went to get them to come to church, but only the dad could come because the mom was having some problems with LIX Q'EHIL LI PUCHUK LI NACHAL RAJLAL PO haha. The district president was driving by and gave us a ride. It was nice. This guy is super funny and I love talking to him. I'm going to St. DOMIINK and then to Actela on Wednesday to get his birth certificate and another paper so that he can get married. I'm going to give his mom and sister some money so they can travel and see the baptism. It's going to be cool to see my converts from way back when. This week we have zone conference and interviews. My life is really busy. Hey, do me a favor and see if you can't get me signed up with UTAH FREESKIER SOCIETY because I'm almost positive that they do a student club discount for SNOWBIRD. If Cody is getting his season pass there then I definitely am going to as well. If Cody jumps off a cliff I am definitely going to do it as well. That sounds like a fun birthday for Adam... he should look into getting a pass to Snowbird as well. Everyone is traveling like crazy. That's insane that Adam is already starting school.. too bad, hahaha I hope you have fun in California and Europe... China etc... be sure to take tons of pictures and send them to me. The pictures I sent you are of the temple, the concilio, Elder Smith ,my dear Yumo, Elder Gutierres and me when we harvested some corn with Arturo. He and I also made some awesome cookies in the church for his 18th month mark and other stuff..

K, I love you! Have a great week -Aaron

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dolla Dolla Bill Ya

My week was just fine. Thank you. Hey! IDK could you ask Cody and Taybay and BraidDog where they are going to get their season passes,'cause I need to know? Cody can have my Pass Out Game if he can find it. I don't even remember where it's at. I thought I lost that. Speaking of drinking, yesterday my neighbor (the one who gets drunk all the time and threw a vodka bottle at our front door) was smashed in the street and had crashed his motorcycle. I grabbed it, and helped him bring it to his house and park it. He then told us he wanted to talk the Bible. We helped him into his house, read, 1 Corinthians 3 :16-17, and prayed. Poor guy ... oh I also took his vodka and dumped it out when he went to the bathroom.. sin? q' me importa pues. Hey, also this morning we were going to the Tinta se' CHIINT and we were in the back of this truck and we totally destroyed this little puppy. I felt it lift the truck up, and then I saw it flip up behind the truck. It was so sad! All the Q'eqchi's were going nuts. Hey HAPPY BURF DAY ADAM!! I'm a bring you something home for your birthday. Prolific flowers? WAS BEN ABLE TO GET TO WORK ON TIME!?!? JK I mean is he OK? No brain damage? Sorry. I had to write a really long letter to my Mission President today, so this is short and not too great. Sorry. I love you all. -Aaron

Monday, August 1, 2011

Razorblade Salvation

That's a lot of events... well, first of all I have to say that I am proud of Orion leaving on his mission, and for Taylor returning home. However, I maybe even more proud of how much of a man Cody has become since I last saw him, haha. That's really cool Michael and Lisa are going back to Turkey.

Thank you for the PICTURES!!! They are awesome. That's really crazy to see all my fiends all together. It's really good to see all of them as well as you guys. Rozzi is looking like she should be a baby model. Liza and Jeff's trip looks super sick. I want to go.

Why is Ben in an Audi? Who's is that?

Here are some pictures. The road I'm sitting on is my enemy. My comp and I run this thing often.
There's a picture of some hands. This is how riding in the back of a truck is.
There is me trying to kiss elder Chanchavac/the coolest tie I own.
There is a staircase that just murders me every other day that we have to walk up 'cause one of our awesome investigator families lives up there. They came to church this week.
There's some cows etc etc...

This week was good. We had a ton of investigators in church. We are teaching the son of Rosalina, the lady that I baptized in Saqsuha'. He and his family are really cool. We are going to go work in their corn field this week, and then pick some avocados off their avocado tree and make guacamole. It's going to be good. I'm going to the capital right now. I love doing this trip.;ldkajflsjLJSDUF=)S(DF&/#$#)/")(%/)"# right? Umm... I don't really know what else is new. Nothing...

I don't know that kid that got home. Different mission.

I do need to get my handwriting analyzed, don't I... 'cause it has changed a LOT!

K love you have a GR8 XAMAN